Curbside Service Q & A

Curbside Service Q & A

From a woman in Michigan: I’m really enjoying your newsletters. Question: The horse I’ve been training is awesome about sidepassing over to the step for mounting, but she gets in real close and nearly knocks me off the step!  I don’t want to discourage her from her...
Balky, Balky I Ain’t Goin’

Balky, Balky I Ain’t Goin’

Stops dead in his tracks. Just won’t go. Nope. Ears pinned. Planted. Maybe rears. Ain’t goin’! Line in the sand. NO, NO, did you get it? NO! The article that started the Book! The general suggestion for this dilemma is to circle. The thing that makes me smile about...
Parelli Predators

Parelli Predators

Someone calls me to inquire about some help with their horse or better yet and more accurately, themselves. I ask them about their horse’s skill level and their skill level. I listen carefully. I’m pretty darned good at reading between the lines both written/emails...