How Do You View Your Horsemanship?

Albert Bandura wrote: People with self-efficacy (high assurance in their capabilities to achieve a goal) approach difficult tasks as challenges to be mastered rather than as threats to be avoided. They set themselves challenging goals and maintain strong commitment to...

Butt, butt, butt!

Does your horse shoot you the moon when you approach? When you open the stall door does his head go into the corner, butt toward you and maybe a tail swish, and eye that rolls back some white at you and maybe even lifts a hind leg? Is this acceptable to you? If you’ve...


I’m probably a bit different than a lot of folks in that it’s the rogues, renegades, spooks and knuckleheads that intrigue me. The horses other trainers won’t take on. And the ones those other trainer cause. This fabulous Andalusian stallion that I recently started...