I was hearing this story from someone else, before I witnessed it with my own eyes, I probably wouldn’t have believed the person unless it was someone like Guy McLean.

Here goes: I was bareback on Bache for about a ten minute ride (as the heat was around 109) and just working on softening, carriage and lightness at the trot. I notice Black Diamond all the way across the arena suddenly decide to come on over and participate. She had pa de deux written all over her face. Now Bache has only had this happen to her once before so it would be good for her to get a little more experience with it and of course, I/we have to participate in order for Black to accomplish her offering. So, I kept trotting. However, Black is well aware that once some task or skill is moving its way to the been there, done that page it is no longer treat-worthy. Therefore, she is required to add a twist if she wants a treat. I kept trotting. Here she comes across the arena at a trot, breaks into a canter, veers slightly so that she could… wait for it… JUMP THE TIRE PILE! and then come along side and – I kept trotting – and around the arena we went–then a halt and backup.
Treat worthy?  I think so!
That’s Black on the left and Bache on the right.
Where the heck is my motion detector arena mounted video camera!!!!!!