Summer Precision

Well kids, in my recent newsletter I suggested some tasks to improve your skills and your horse’s responses that could be done in the shade of a tree or your barn isle or walkway. I asked for emails reporting how it was going and that I would be posting tips for...


Whose fault is it? In a nutshell… Yours! What is so ding-dang hard about taking the blame for something that didn’t go as you wanted with your horse? I really have a hard time understanding people’s resistance to this. 1) It didn’t go as you wanted. So, you either had...


My word. Yes, I love to invent words. Fusciling (verb)- some combination of raising the movement, energy, expectation, signal and agitation in order to allow the horse to find his way to calmness. Many people inherently and because they’re taught it constantly, behave...

Learning Curve

Horses learn immediately from their mothers. Within an hour, they’re frequently able to stay with their mother and run with the herd. This is important of course, because they don’t want to get eaten. They learn immediately from the other herd members how to behave...


SPOOKING Again! And this won’t be the last time! Oddly enough, many (yes many, many) people don’t know their horse is spooky. How can this be so? you may ask. And I sincerely hope you ask. Really look at your horse under different circumstances. Is his head down? Does...